Maintaining competitive advantage after launch and adoption: Your questions:
How do we differentiate our clinical value proposition?
How do we compare to existing technologies in the treatment pathway?
How do we achieve unique coding and premium payment for our product?
How do we demonstrate the economic benefits to payers of our solution?
How do we stay current on the changes in policies and payment rules?

Maintaining competitive advantage after launch and adoption:
Your questions:
Positioning into existing treatment pathway
Creating compelling Payer Dossier and messaging
Framing costs and benefits (models, claims analyses)
Conducting impact analysis of changing costs of care.
New coding strategies and submissions (CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10)
Payment reassignments (APCs, DRGs)
Ongoing health-policy monitoring
Medicare annual payment rules, national/local coverage determinations
Medicaid enrollment and reimbursement trends
Commercial payers policies, trends
Our tools and tactics:
Payer dossier development
Chain-of-evidence review
New coding strategies and submissions (CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10)
Payment reassignments (APCs, DRGs)
Framing costs and benefits (economic models, budget impact models, claims analyses)
Ongoing health-policy monitoring
Medicare annual payment rules,
Medicaid enrollment and reimbursement trends,
commercial payers policies, trends
Alternative payment models and opportunities for partnerships with providers/payers